Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi President stresses water security integral part of national security

 Iraqi President stresses water security integral part of national security

The Iraqi President Barham Salih and the Minister of Water Resources Mahdi Rashid Al-Hamdani Photo: Iraqi Presidency

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi President, Barham Salih, stressed on Monday that the water issue is an integral part of Iraq’s national security, according to a press statement issued by the Iraqi Presidency.

The statement clarified that Salih received the Minister of Water Resources, Mahdi Rashid Al-Hamdani, in Al-Salam Palace in Baghdad where both discussed water security and the challenges facing the country.

Salih said that the water issue represents a top priority and severe climate changes are affecting the country, the region and the world, according to the statement.

Salih indicated the necessity of continuing the strategic plans developed in this regard and starting the initiative to revive Mesopotamia, and that addressing climate changes should be a national priority.

The president talked about the importance of organizing water relations with neighboring countries through dialogue, and in accordance with the principles of good neighborliness, and taking into account the interests of Iraq.

Salih commended the efforts of the government and the Ministry of Water Resources in particular to address water scarcity and protect the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Salih elaborated that facing the water risks is a collective responsibility in which all state institutions and social activities participate, and is not limited to the Ministry of Water Resources.