Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi President invited to UN Climate Change Conference in Egypt

 Iraqi President invited to UN Climate Change Conference in Egypt

View of a COP27 sign on the road leading to the conference area in Egypt’s Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh town. Photo: Reuters

Baghdad ( – The U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, Alina Romanowski, handed the Iraqi President, Abdul Latif Rashid, a letter on Wednesday from the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, according to a press statement issue by the Iraqi Presidency.

The statement elaborated that Rashid received Romanowski in Al-Salam Palace in Baghdad where she handed him Kerry’s letter that is related to the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP 27) of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) scheduled to start early next month in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, the statement mentioned.

“We are looking forward to seeing President Abdul Latif present in the COP 27, to work together and to emphasize the agreement concluded at the Glasgow Climate Conference and the goals of the Paris agreement,” the letter stated.

The United States is delighted to work with Iraq on the issues of climate change alongside other partners to create a common ground to achieve the desired objectives that aim to protect the environment and ensure a good future for the earth and the generations to come, Kerry said in the letter.

Rashid said that the phenomenon of climate change has become a global challenge that everyone has been suffering from. He added that the international community should unite and stand together to address the severity of climate change and to protect the environment, according to the statement.

The Iraqi President indicated that Iraq is looking forward to engaging in the efforts that confront climate change as Iraq is one of the countries most affected by this phenomenon and its impact on the environment, economy and life, the statement added.