Friday, September 20, 2024


Marine Syndicate condemns Kuwaiti attack on Iraqi fishermen

 Marine Syndicate condemns Kuwaiti attack on Iraqi fishermen

A young Iraqi fisherman carrying fish in the southern Iraqi port city of Al-Faw. Photo: AFP

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Syndicate of Marine condemned what it described as an ‘unprecedented attack’ when the Kuwaiti Coast Guard opened fire on a group of Iraqi fishermen.

The Iraqi Syndicate of Marine mentioned in a statement that it denounces the unprecedented attack by the Kuwaiti Coast Guard on a group of Iraqi fishermen who work in the sea to earn a living for their families.

The statement elaborated that this incident is not the first, and that the Kuwaiti forces are still going beyond international norms and laws and attacking the Iraqi fisherman with no accountability.

The Iraqi Syndicate of Marine called on the Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs to issue a protest note, and to summon the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Iraq to inform him about the Kuwaiti patrols’ violations.

The Iraqi Syndicate of Marine appealed for the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), the United Nations, the international community and the Arab League to urge the Kuwaiti government to respect human rights and international norms and laws enacted by the concerned authorities between the riparian countries.