Friday, September 20, 2024


UN Secretary-General renews confidence in Iraqis

 UN Secretary-General renews confidence in Iraqis

The Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein and the Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres. Photo: Iraqi News Agency

Baghdad ( – The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, expressed his confidence that the Iraqis will overcome the challenges they face, while the Iraqi Foreign Minister, Fuad Hussein, affirmed that Iraq has interactive and strong relations with the United Nations.

In a joint press conference held in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, Hussein welcomed Guterres and thanked him for accepting the invitation to visit Iraq.

“The relations between Iraq and UNAMI are strong, and the relations between Iraq and the United Nations are interactive,” Hussein said.

Hussein valued the role of Guterres supporting the political process and the democratic process in Iraq.

The Iraqi Foreign Minister expressed his aspiration to hold meetings and intensive discussions with the UN Secretary-General about the political developments in Iraq, the region and the world.

“There are great national, regional and global challenges, and we need to exchange views with the Secretary-General of the United Nations regarding these challenges,” Hussein said.

“The UN Secretary-General has important ideas and we look forward to hearing these proposals, especially with regard to the regional situation and security,” Hussein stated.

“I am pleased to be here in Baghdad,” Guterres said, indicating that he visited Baghdad several times and expressed solidarity with Iraq to support the Iraqi institutions.

Guterres expressed his confidence that the Iraqis will be able to overcome the challenges and difficulties they face.

Guterres stressed that if he has the opportunity, he will meet the displaced Iraqis in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

Guterres added that he visited the Iraqi community in Syria and witnessed the measures taken to facilitate their return to Iraq, expressing that he values the efforts of the Iraqi government to facilitate the return of the displaced from abroad.