Friday, September 20, 2024


British newspaper reveals Britain’s use of depleted uranium in Iraq

 British newspaper reveals Britain’s use of depleted uranium in Iraq

US troops block a highway in outskirts of Baghdad after a roadside bomb attack in December 2003. Photo: Reuters

Baghdad ( – The British Army used over 2.3 tons of depleted uranium munitions during Operation Desert Storm in 1991 and the invasion of Iraq in 2003, Declassified UK reported.

The British Ministry of Defense, after the invasion of Iraq, acknowledged its ‘moral obligation’ to contribute to the cleansing of Iraqi territories from the shrapnel of approximately 420 uranium shells that were used, Declassified UK mentioned.

The British Ministry of Defense mentioned that the results of the research conducted by the Royal Society in London support the decision to send depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine, Declassified UK added.

According to the spokesperson of the British Ministry of Defense, an independent study conducted by scientists showed that the consequences of using depleted uranium will be mostly low.

Research director at the Conflict and Environment Observatory, Doug Weir, stated that Britain has repeatedly chosen to rely on individual scientific opinions on the effects of using depleted uranium, in order to maintain the acceptability of its use.

According to the British Deputy Defense Secretary, Annabel Goldie, these shells are intended for Challenger tanks, and such ammunition penetrates armor more effectively and is not a chemical weapon.