Friday, September 20, 2024


UNICEF, Japan to provide 88,000 children with access to services

 UNICEF, Japan to provide 88,000 children with access to services

The UNICEF logo outside their offices in Geneva, Switzerland. Photo: Reuters

Baghdad ( – UNICEF received nearly seven million USD from Japan to promote equitable access to life-saving child protection, health, nutrition, and education services for returnees from northeast Syria, according to a statement issued by the UNICEF.

The project will be finalized by the end of 2023 and will benefit more than 180 thousand people, including 88 thousand children and more than 47 thousand women, the statement mentioned.

The situation in northeast Syria remains a humanitarian and human rights challenge, and this new project will support the Iraqi government in its efforts to scale up the return process, the statement explained.

The agreed interventions will address the reintegration needs of children and women in areas of origin as well as returnees, the statement elaborated.

Support includes prevention and response to gender-based violence, mental health and psycho-social support, health, nutrition, and education services, the statement clarified.

Unaccompanied children in detention and young people detained and released from detention will also be supported, the statement illustrated.

The project will reach children below the age of five years as well as women, targeting both those who have returned to Iraq from northeast Syria, including Al-Hol camp, and those living in areas of origin, the statement added.