Friday, September 20, 2024


Conditions the US offered to Saddam Hussein to be pardoned

 Conditions the US offered to Saddam Hussein to be pardoned

The late Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, during his trial in November 2006. Photo: AFP

Baghdad ( – The attorney representing Saddam Hussein at his trial, Khalil Al-Dulaimi, revealed, in an interview with Al-Arabiya TV, that the United States set out conditions to have the late President pardoned.

Al-Dulaimi explained that the US suggested the appointment of a Vice President with no key authorities to pardon the former President.

The Iraqi attorney explained that the Americans asked Saddam Hussein to stop the fight against the American forces in Fallujah, where they faced some of the heaviest combat since their war in Vietnam in 1968.

The lawyer clarified that the Americans also requested Saddam Hussein to leave the country after his release, but the late President refused their requests, noting that he transferred those conditions to Saddam himself.

Al-Dulaimi revealed that he and others were the link between the late Iraqi President and leaders of the Iraqi resistance, including leaders in the Iraqi army, as he used to exchange information with Saddam secretly during sessions of his trial.

The Iraqi lawyer confirmed that Saddam Hussein had information from decision-makers about the intention of the United States to divide Iraq, so he was passing messages during his trial to the Iraqi people and some Iraqi resistance factions.