Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq, Britain discuss dismantling Al-Hol refugee camp

 Iraq, Britain discuss dismantling Al-Hol refugee camp

Part of the Al-Hol camp in Syria. Photo: AFP via Getty Images

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi National Security Advisor, Qassim Al-Araji, met on Sunday with the new British Ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hitchen, in Baghdad, where he stressed the importance of dismantling the Al-Hol refugee camp in Syria, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

A statement issued by Al-Araji’s office mentioned that the meeting addressed the political and security situations at the international and regional levels, as well as ways to strengthen and promote cooperation between Iraq and Britain in various fields.

According to the statement, both officials discussed the Al-Hol camp issue, the return of displaced Iraqis to Sinjar, the fight against drugs, and promoting coordination between Iraq and the United Kingdom in combating terrorism.

The statement illustrated that the Iraqi National Security Advisor highlighted the need to dismantle the Al-Hol camp in Syria because it produces hatred and extremism, emphasizing the importance of urging countries to return their nationals from the refugee camp.

The statement elaborated that Al-Araji indicated that Britain is one of the partners in the international coalition to fight ISIS, noting that it is important to cooperate in exchanging security and intelligence information.

The statement added that Hitchen expressed his happiness to work in Iraq and his aspiration to increase the level of cooperation between the two countries in various fields, especially cybersecurity.