Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq reaffirms its neutral stance on Russian-Ukrainian war

 Iraq reaffirms its neutral stance on Russian-Ukrainian war

The Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein. Photo: INA

Baghdad ( – The spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, mentioned in a statement that Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein reaffirmed on Wednesday Iraq’s neutral stance on the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

Al-Sahaf elaborated that the Iraqi stance is consistent with the provisions of the Iraqi constitution not to stand with one party against another.

Hussein’s remarks took place during a video conference with Ukraine’s First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Yulia Svyrydenko, according to the statement.

The statement illustrated that the Iraqi Foreign Minister confirmed that Iraq respects the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and encourages mediation efforts aiming to reach a solution to end the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine to bring back stability and end the crisis.

Al-Sahaf clarified that both sides discussed several topics related to the bilateral relations between the two countries, including international and regional issues, economic cooperation, the joint committee between the two countries, the Arab contact group on the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, and landmine removal.