Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq bans porn websites

 Iraq bans porn websites

The headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court of Iraq. Photo: The Federal Supreme Court

Baghdad ( – Iraq’s Federal Supreme Court issued a decision on Thursday to block pornographic websites in all Iraqi governorates.

The court said in a statement that it ordered to block pornographic websites based on a request submitted by lawmaker Basem Khazal Khashan, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

The statement explained that the court decided that both the Minister of Communications and the Chairman of the Communications and Media Commission (CMC) must stop and block all pornographic websites throughout the country.

This is not the first time this issue has been raised in Iraq. In 2015, a decision was issued by the Iraqi Parliament obliging the government to issue binding instructions to governmental and non-governmental bodies to block pornographic websites to preserve the public interest.

Although the Iraqi Parliament has debated the issue of outlawing pornographic websites on several occasions, no concrete action has been taken by the government to carry out the resolution.

A similar request to restrict pornographic websites in Iraq was made last year by Hiyam Al-Yasiri, the minister of communications for Iraq.