Friday, September 20, 2024


Son of Kuwaiti national killed in blast in Iraq mourns his father

 Son of Kuwaiti national killed in blast in Iraq mourns his father

Iraqi security personnel surround the vehicle of the two Saudi and Kuwaiti nationals after they were found dead. Photo: Al-Arabiya News

Baghdad ( – The son of the Kuwaiti national, who died in an explosion of an explosive device in western Iraq, mourned his father after the Iraqi authorities announced that they had found the bodies of two Kuwaiti and Saudi nationals.

“To God we belong, and to Him we shall return. My father has passed away,” Talal Faisal Al-Mutairi said on Tuesday on X, formerly Twitter.

Al-Mutairi also posted a picture of his father, Faisal Al-Mutairi, kneeling in front of a bird on what seems to be a hunting trip.

The Iraqi security forces announced that they found the bodies of Kuwaiti citizen Faisal Al-Mutairi and Saudi citizen Anwar Al-Dhufairi in a desert area in the western part of the country.

They died after an old explosive device exploded in their car, according to a statement issued by the Iraqi Security Media Cell (ISMC).

The ISMC explained that security forces conducted extensive search operations in the vast desert extending over the three governorates of Anbar, Salah Al-Din, and Nineveh in the northern and western parts of the country before the bodies of Al-Mutairi and Al-Dhufairi were found in the desert of the Anbar governorate in western Iraq after contact with them was lost.

The Kuwaiti citizen died in Iraq, Faisal Al-Mutairi. Photo: X, formerly Twitter

The statement also elaborated that their vehicle exploded because of an explosive device left behind by ISIS terrorist groups.

A senior security official had previously clarified that preliminary investigations indicated that unknown gunmen attempted to kidnap the two, according to Reuters.

The circumstances of the explosion are not clear yet, as is whether these two people were kidnapped when the explosion took place.

The ISMC indicated that the two men entered Iraq with a tourist visa and not for hunting purposes, noting the importance of adhering to the provisions and regulations of hunting and the relevant recommendations issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Interior.

The vast desert area is well-known for serving as a haven for violent ISIS terrorist groups that are still active in a few areas.

In quest of falcons, hunters from rich Gulf states frequently go to the southern and western deserts of Iraq.

ISIS terrorist groups suffered a major defeat after they took control of large areas in Syria and Iraq in 2014.

Iraq declared its victory over ISIS in late 2017, but some terrorist cells still exist in remote and desert areas, and they launch attacks from time to time against the army and security forces.