Friday, September 20, 2024


China actively takes part in reconstruction in Iraq

 China actively takes part in reconstruction in Iraq

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin speaks during a news conference in Beijing, China. Photo: Reuters

Baghdad ( – The spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Wang Wenbin, said on Wednesday that China is committed to its friendly ties with Iraq and is actively taking part in the reconstruction process in Iraq.

Wenbin’s statement took place during his regular press conference on Wednesday, when Rudaw Media Network’s reporter asked why residential projects carried out by Chinese companies in Iraq do not cover the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

“As a sincere friend of the Iraqi people, China has taken an active part in the economic reconstruction of Iraq and contributed to Iraq’s economic and social development, which is widely recognized by the Iraqi government and public,” Wenbin said.

The Chinese official added that China stands ready to continue working with Iraq for new progress in practical cooperation in various areas.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said last month that Iraq is China’s important Belt and Road partner.

A Chinese official said that China closely follows Iraq’s security situation and is willing to increase cooperation with Iraq to ensure the safety and smooth progress of cooperation projects.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry revealed last August that the trade exchange between the two countries was worth more than $48.5 billion in 2022.

During a meeting held this month with the Iraqi President, Abdul Latif Rashid, the Chinese Ambassador to Iraq, Cui Wei, clarified that China is eager to develop and build distinguished relations with Iraq based on their existing historical relations.

Wei added that many Chinese companies carry out important projects, and thousands of Chinese workers and engineers work in Iraq.