Saturday, September 28, 2024


Tags : Baghdad

Business Iraqi

6 rural roads opened in Wassit

Wassit-Projects WASSIT / The roads and bridges department on Tuesday implemented six rural roads within projects to develop provinces in 2008 at a total cost of 1.5 billion Iraqi dinars,


Weapons cache found in Falluja

Iraq-Cache ANBAR / Police forces on Tuesday found a weapons cache in the Falluja city, a police source said. “Acting on a tip-off, policemen found the depot in


Police find ammo in Babel

Babel-Ammo BABEL / Police forces on Tuesday found a stockpile of weapons and ammunition in a garden in southern Babel, a police source said. “The depot, which was

Business Iraqi

ISX index up by 3% on Tuesday

ISX-Hotels BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Stock Exchange (ISX) index rose by 3.314 percent to settle at 54.082 points on Tuesday session, the second this week. Traded shares in Tuesday’s


Gunmen wound child in Mosul

Mosul-Gunmen NINEWA / A child was injured on Tuesday during a shootout by gunmen in western Mosul, a police source said. “Gunmen opened fire in al-Ureibi neighborhood in