Sunday, October 6, 2024


Tags : Mosul


House detonated western Mosul

Nineveh ( Unidentified gunmen blew up a house to the west of Mosul city. Security source reported to Saturday “Unidentified gunmen detonated a house that belongs


IA element killed southern Mosul

Nineveh ( A soldier of the Iraqi Army was killed at his residence in Hamam al-Aleel district of southern Mosul. Security source stated to Iraqi News ( “


5 family members injured southern Mosul

Nineveh ( Five family members were injured when unidentified gunmen detonated two security officers’ residences of southern Mosul. Security source stated to Iraqi News ( ” Unidentified gunmen


9 IP elements wounded in Mosul

Nineveh, Mosul ( Nine police elements were wounded when a car bomb exploded to the west of Mosul.Security source mentioned to Iraqi News ( ”The car


Former judge assassinated in Mosul

Nineveh, Mosul ( A retired judge was assassinated during an armed attack in Mosul city.Security source stated to ”Unidentified armed group opened fire, using machineguns,