A human "murmuration" using dance techniques previously showcased by French choreographer Sadeck Waff at the Tokyo Paralympics will deliver a powerful message of "hope" to...
A drought in the Peruvian Andes has ravaged alpaca flocks and withered potato crops, forcing the government to declare a state of emergency on Saturday for 60...
Kanye West sparked outrage on Thursday by declaring his "love" of Nazis and admiration for Adolf Hitler himself during a rambling, hours-long livestream...
The culture of tea practised in both Turkey and Azerbaijan was on Thursday added to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage list, recognised as a symbol of...
Netflix on Thursday unveiled a long-awaited trailer for a six-part docuseries in which Prince Harry and wife Meghan lift the lid on their...
Scientists often study the grim impacts of losing wildlife to hunting, habitat destruction and climate change. But what happens when endangered animals are...
The French baguette -- "250 grams of magic and perfection," in the words of President Emmanuel Macron, and one of the abiding symbols of the nation -- was...
Fictional films and TV have immense power to shift attitudes on political issues, yet they remain little-used in...
Two social traditions from South America were honored Tuesday as UNESCO recognized the rapidly disappearing skill required to make black pottery in Chile and the ancient knowledge of Colombian
Ed Maggs examines a shelf of leather-bound antique books that his family have been selling from their landmark London shop...